Targeted Solutions

Workshops, Trainings, & Analysis To Get Your Business Running Smoothly

Emotional Intelligence Training

Emotional intelligence training enhances your ability to understand and manage emotions—both your own and others'. Through practical exercises and techniques, this training improves communication, empathy, conflict resolution, and leadership skills, fostering better personal and professional relationships and boosting overall workplace harmony and productivity.

Compensation Review

Are your compensation packages competitive enough to keep top talent? Are you overcompensating? We will help you craft the right compensation packages that will help you retain your existing key personnel and attract top talent to your company. Compensation isn’t always about money.

Workplace Behaviors

Our Workplace Behaviors Workshop focuses on understanding and improving interpersonal dynamics at work. Participants learn to identify and understand different behavior patterns in themselves and others, which enhances team cohesion, communication, and effectiveness. The workshop equips individuals with strategies to adapt and thrive in diverse professional environments.

Role Analysis

Role Analysis involves systematically identifying the essential behaviors and skills for specific roles within an organization. This process ensures that the right personnel are matched to the right positions, optimizing job performance and satisfaction by aligning individual capabilities with the demands of the role.


1-on-1 Coaching